Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bratislava's UFO

For better or worse, this is one of the visuals which is forever stamped into one's mind during a first visit to Bratislava. Previously known as the "New Bridge" (built to span the Danube in 1973), it's more commonly called the "UFO" -- perhaps official now given the name of the establishment which occupies the restaurant and observation deck on top. (For more information, visit the restaurant's website, It certainly has an alien look to it. When I queried a few friends I was apologetically told, with a degree of local disdain, that the design was a "eye sore", the saucer-shaped restaurant was "awful" and therefore not worth my time. Of course, I then had to go and see for myself.

I went, and -- as instructed by the sign at the entrance to the elevator up -- I did watch, though I passed on the taste part. My experience has been these kinds of restaurants serve average food at much higher than average price. I could possibly be very wrong since the staff's dress, manner and the few plates I witnessed emerge from the kitchen were all upscale -- though my concern was confirmed by the prices listed on the menu. As for the groove part, one can't escape the pounding Euro-tech music which prevails just about in every public establishment in Central and Eastern Europe. Meaning, since I am a bit accustomed to it now, I was not bothered to groove.

I still wonder if it was worth the 6 EUR admittance fee for the elevator ride and the time spent on the observation deck. As I recount my mid-day visit, on a breezy summer afternoon, it was relaxing -- the views from inside the restaurant and the observation deck captivating. So I guess yes, at least once.

Note the placement of the music speakers throughout the restaurant.
The view upstream of the Danube River west, towards Vienna.

The view of the Danube River, looking east, downstream.

The view south, looking away from Bratislava towards Hungary.

The view north into Old Town Bratislava.