Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Graffiti, Zaragoza

Zaragoza's graffiti is more than just writing on walls. Its artistic caliber and esoteric stature melds and compliments its urban environment. It fits. There are random echos of Dali, Goya, Miro, Picasso, Saura -- the Spanish School, Cubism, Surrealism. All, drawing outside the lines, venturing beyond the wire -- exploring the agonies of war, poverty, broken relationships, never ever civil. Inquisition. Man versus man, man versus beast. Blurred, obscured, reinterpreted.

This is evidence of the city's resident fringe, the part of society where stray artisans reside. Creating in alleys, moving amongst the shadows. Propaganda. Invitations. Whispers.

"Come closer, gaze, decipher."

Who are they? Street artists or vandals? ¿Decoración o devastación?

Perhaps a good deal of the work is sanctioned or even commissioned. No doubt there are plenty of instances of decorating someone else's property without permission. But this is more than tagging, defacing. This is niche artwork which cries for legitimacy.

Yet, it simply cannot escape the canvas upon which it is placed -- and its fleeting nature. It appears, disappears. Obliviated. The next coat of whitewash or paint is inevitable.

Art crime. Lost.