Monday, August 15, 2011

Bulgarian Sling Shot

I could not have predicted what I witnessed on my first visit to the Black Sea. This is a former Warsaw Pact country? To the side preconceived notions. Thanks propaganda.

Slanchev Bryag (Sunny Beach) is a resort area just south of Varna, north of Bourgas, on the Black Sea. Bulgaria. It is a natural harbor area where Roman Legionaries retired after their 20-year term of service during the first century AD. History there reaches back in time. Pushes forward. Thracian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Bulgarian Renaissance impressions everywhere. Communist influence fleeting, gone. No trace. Anomaly.

Sunny Beach is now a resort with over a hundred hotels. Western Europeans flock there due to the excellent climate and holiday environment. It is also very inexpensive.

So I'll start here. A giant sling shot. Also known as a reverse bungee. I watched countless tourists pay to get strapped in and catapulted into the sky. Unsuspecting. The removal of shoes, jewelry, the emptying of pockets should have been preparatory clues. Launch and blood curdling screams. Were they not paying attention? I was. The horror. The amusement.